Hi, we’ve started translating our Ba Duan Jin / Eight Brocades Chi Kung videos on Youtube into Deutsch (thanks Sibylle!). If there is enough interest we aim to ad a few other languages as [...]
Dr Michael McLoughlin (Long Hu), Arnold Erasmus (Lao Kung) and Michelle Levy from (Sung Healing) have created a new channel on Youtube with detailed, step by step lessons for beginners on Chi [...]
With the arrival of the new Star Wars film it seems like a good time to discuss what the Chinese refer to as chi or called a chakra in India. This word and concept does not exist in the English [...]
The attached diagram is for the purpose of making sense of our inherent nature or so-called Self Nature, the extent of ‘complete reality’ and the place of the human condition within this. It is [...]
Fibromyalgia syndrome is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain, diffuse tenderness, fatigue, and a number of other symptoms that can interfere with a person’s ability to carry out [...]
From personal experience I’ve seen a Parkinson’s patient visibly stabilize after just a few minutes of Chi Kung. Regular Tai Chi training can only have an even stronger effect. For [...]
Tai Chi can be used as an effective form of exercise therapy for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), according to new findings. Source: Tai Chi shown to improve COPD [...]
UCLA researchers have discovered that the Chinese practice of tai chi can reduce inflammation in people who have had breast cancer, thereby reducing a risk factor for the recurrence of the [...]